Transaction: {
    date: Date;
    discount: number;
    method: TransactionMethod;
    notes: string;
    shop_id: string;
    tax_rate: number;
    total: number;
    tx_id: string;

Type declaration

  • date: Date

    The date of the transaction.

  • discount: number

    The dollar amount of discount applied to the transactions pre-tax.

  • method: TransactionMethod

    The method used to pay for the transaction.

  • notes: string

    Any additional information about the transaction. Reason for discount, reason for gift, etc.

  • shop_id: string

    The ID of the shop the transactions occurred at.

  • tax_rate: number

    The tax percentage as a decimal.

  • total: number

    The total cost of the purchase.

  • tx_id: string

    The ID of the transaction.